Scaredy Cat
Today was just one of those day around here. My cats have reached that teenager age and since they are both female, know how to get outside on their own and it is almost spring things are getting strange here- strange cats hanging around, strange cats crying out, strangeness all around. I dare say that my beautiful kittens have turned into teenage sluts- Oh my! My shy little Thelia has turned into a very absent cat which is strange for her.
I had to get something out of my lowest drawer of my filing cabinet and after getting done with it I went to close the drawer. It would not close, even with a good push. I figured something fell into the back and I would deal with it later.
Later came about 7 hours later. I kept hearing Thelia. A quick listening tour of the house revealed a very stuck cat- stuck behind the lower drawer of the filing cabinet. I have no idea why when I tried to shove the drawer at her she did not meow or howl or anything. I am wondering now if my sweet Thelia will ever be the same. What do you think?

I also have to let you know that the Red Queen is going to be posting very light if at all for the next two weeks but I promise great pictures when I return! Be Blessed dear ones.