I am a woman searching for my inner goddess and using fabrics, words and photography as my road map. I find great comfort and order in my creative efforts and hope that in sharing them you find a peace also. Welcome and Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

We Got Pie!

There was a commercial that played in the Pittsburgh area from a local chain restaurant and it has a cute kid who looks at his sister and says "We got pie!" You would have to hear it to appreciate it but I promise if you are ever around me or my daughter when pie is presented you will hear it- it is a favorite sound bite- that would be that bite just before the pie bite which will fill the mouth with scrumptious goodness and  of course is the favorite of favorite bites.

Yesterday I picked these yummy black raspberries. One bush, one lazy picker who has never had berry picking so good. You see they were growing over the patio and I actually sat on a 5 gallon bucket and picked, and those that fell could still be retrieved. Oh the luxury. I must admit that I am a bit timid about picking berries farther away from the house this year as we have a bear that has been hanging out here.


but my doing has created this.....


and all I have to say is " We got pie!"


Eat your heart out Jenn. Ok, since you are all jealous now cause "We got pie" I am gonna share this super and simple recipe with you and you can amaze others.


Fresh Fruit Pie

Ok fresh fruit is always best but this will work with canned (drained) or frozen (thawed) also- and be creative with your fruits- this is a make it your own type recipe meaning mix and match as you will.

And this makes 2 pies- go with deep dish crusts- I didnt and now I have sloppy messes in my fridge . PS. I cheated here and used frozen crust- bake the crust first.


3/4 Cup Sugar

1/2 teas. salt

2 Table. corn starch

1 3/4 Cup water

1 small box jello- I used lemon but once again mix and match-you want a flavor that compliments your fruit but doesn't lie to it.

Combine and bring to a boil, then set in fridge to cool and partially set, then combine with fruit and put in crust.


This  is great with strawberry jello and strawberries, peach or lemon jello with peaches. You will note I mixed left over strawberries with black raspberries.  Dont forget the whip cream. The family here likes the real whipped cream in the can- note- do not drop can and knock squirter thingy off the top- it is very hard to make it work and a waste of a whole can of whipped cream- we got ours to work again- it is a messy process but then I still had jello pie lusciousness to cleanup  so all was good. Hey, " We got pie!"

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Red Queen's Mission Statement

I believe that things can always be cured with a hug and a cup of tea, fixed with either a needle and thread, duct tape, WD40 or coke, and that prayer works every time. I take in strays whether in animal or childlike form. I have been mother to many for a time and this is my way of keeping up with some of those straying children that I miss. I appreciate shock value and use it often to remind people that the world is round and colorful and we are not all living in square brown cardboard boxes with little holes cut in for windows. Look for the warm fuzzies- God delivers them up fresh every day just to say- I think you are pretty darned special- so special that I have your picture up on my fridge for life and I am sending you a hug to remind you that you matter to me.

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