I am a woman searching for my inner goddess and using fabrics, words and photography as my road map. I find great comfort and order in my creative efforts and hope that in sharing them you find a peace also. Welcome and Be Blessed!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I am Blessed Indeed

As I have said I am back from Idaho and that means lots of work. In my trying to focus in on what was important enough to go to the head of the to- do list I found myself standing in front of two framed calligraphies I bought when my daughters were wee. I have not read them for many years. Today they made me cry.... perhaps you will see why... if not, well then pretend this post was just for my daughter and go on about your business of the day and be blessed anyway. They have no author written on them . Jenn it is my hope that one day I can pass these on to you and 20 some years down the road you will know you have been as blessed as you have blessed me. Thank you.

I took her hand and followed
My dishes went unwashed today
I didn't make the bed;
I took her hand and followed
Where her eager footsteps led.

Oh yes, we went adventuring,
My little girl and I,
Exploring all the great outdoors
Beneath the summer sky.

We waded in a crystal stream,
We wandered through the woods.
My kitchen wasn't swept today,
But life was full and good.

That my house was neglected,
That I didn't dust the stairs,
In twenty years, no one on earth
Will know or even care.

But that I've helped my little girl
To noble womanhood grow...
In twenty years the whole world
May look and see and know.


My daughter used to ask how she was born-
And I have always told the same story-
I said that I asked God for a friend, and
I asked God for a very special child-
A child that would have a sweet smile, and
A child that I could call my very own
...and God listened
...and she was born
...and I was never lonely again.
Now she is older-She knows how she was born,
But my reasons are even stronger now.
My daughter is all that I could want-
She is filled with curiosity, love, and eyes
That fill with tears when hard truths come
...She is an enormous joy
...She is my reason for believing
in life, birth and truth.
And now I ask my daughter
to not be different.
Don't let the world change what you are
...I couldn't stand it.
You are still not just a daughter to me-
But you are the friend I asked for.

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Red Queen's Mission Statement

I believe that things can always be cured with a hug and a cup of tea, fixed with either a needle and thread, duct tape, WD40 or coke, and that prayer works every time. I take in strays whether in animal or childlike form. I have been mother to many for a time and this is my way of keeping up with some of those straying children that I miss. I appreciate shock value and use it often to remind people that the world is round and colorful and we are not all living in square brown cardboard boxes with little holes cut in for windows. Look for the warm fuzzies- God delivers them up fresh every day just to say- I think you are pretty darned special- so special that I have your picture up on my fridge for life and I am sending you a hug to remind you that you matter to me.

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