I am a woman searching for my inner goddess and using fabrics, words and photography as my road map. I find great comfort and order in my creative efforts and hope that in sharing them you find a peace also. Welcome and Be Blessed!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Red Queen is packing!

I am traveling once again. Yes, the Red Queen does lead a blessed life. I have discovered that working hard allows one to in turn play hard and that is what I will be doing this weekend. I have come to Virginia to meet one of my blog sisters and her family. Friday and Saturday we will spend at a blogging conference where I will get to meet many other bloggers that I often communicate with. So, here are 13 things that the Red Queen packed for this trip.

1. Happy Lappy- how could I be writing this any other way? I would feel nekked with her.

2. My digital camera- it is so like a piece of anatomy that I dont really even consider that it must be packed.

3.Wild PJ's. There is a pajama party at the conference. What fun! What pictures!

4. My sewing machine- my blog friend Kat is a quilter and so we are working on projects while we chat.

5. Projects in various shades of undoneness- I have finished a skirt while here, just need a label on one quilt, have my hand piecing quilt to work on, another quilt that I am doing for a surprise and one that is still whole fabric just waiting for the inspiration and the rotary cutter.

6. A Cracker Barrel road map. CB rocks my world and whenever possible I eat there. I know that I passed at least 3 of them coming down but I was in a hurry to get here before dark on Tues. so I passed them all up. I'm thinking pecan pancakes on the trip home though.

7. High heels I borrowed from my daughter- is it stealing if you didn't ask her permission??? I have a dress up dinner at a Country Club to attend. Hope I packed my manners and best behavior also.

8. Tins of spice- I discovered the most fabulous spice at my local grocery. Espresso Rub by Market District, an exclusive thing. It does have espresso in it and salt and pepper and sugar and cayenne pepper and .... I am not sure what else but I eat it on almost everything so I figured it would make great gifts.

9. My last bottle of Moose Drool beer- been talking it up with a blog buddy and decided it would be only right to share it- I can get more in October anyway!!!!

10. A container filled with special roasted espresso beans that I got from a friend in Idaho- these were a gift for Kat who has graciously opened up her home to me- p.s. we share in this goodness each morning- ah, as her daughter was just saying yesterday while we were in their pool- Life is Good!

11. My new fleece Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt- didn't think I would need it but I have actually worn it to bed both nights because I am so not used to air conditioning.

12. I packed a Hershey's candy bar along with various other more healthy snacks like apples and almonds and Wheat Thins. Yesterday I had to get something out of Roxy only to discover that I am now packing Hershey's syrup disguised in a candy bar wrapper- any body got ice cream?

13. I definitely packed my wanderlust and my love of adventure. How else does one pack up and drive 8 hours to meet people you have only chatted with on a computer. I repeat- Ah, Life is Good indeed!

Be blessed my friends. Maybe you will be in my compass bearings next trip?

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Red Queen's Mission Statement

I believe that things can always be cured with a hug and a cup of tea, fixed with either a needle and thread, duct tape, WD40 or coke, and that prayer works every time. I take in strays whether in animal or childlike form. I have been mother to many for a time and this is my way of keeping up with some of those straying children that I miss. I appreciate shock value and use it often to remind people that the world is round and colorful and we are not all living in square brown cardboard boxes with little holes cut in for windows. Look for the warm fuzzies- God delivers them up fresh every day just to say- I think you are pretty darned special- so special that I have your picture up on my fridge for life and I am sending you a hug to remind you that you matter to me.

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