Dragonfly Bellies
I once gave my daughter Jenn a camera when we went up to Niagra Falls and told her to take pictures of anything that she wished she could share with me. I stayed behind in the motel room with Jess my other daughter. I got pictures of a ladies shoes and a really neat crack in the sidewalk. Some might have seen it as a waste of film but when we sat down and looked through the photos together it was special because there was a purpose or intent behind each shot.
I can't say that you will be so lucky in the next week or so except to say that my intent would be to please the Queen first and foremost- if it pleases my faithful minions then we are both blessed. Because it takes so long to load pictures here I will just do a couple at a time throughout the days that I am here. This photo was taken with me laying in the driveway and shooting pictures upward hoping that one of the 70 or so dragonflies would grace the camera with a photo, so this is actually the bottom of a dragonfly.